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DOs and DON’Ts of Winterizing landscapes

Here in West Central Florida we usually don't have to worry about a hard freeze or the ground freezing so we install landscaping all year around. There are some things to consider though if you have an existing landscaping in keeping it going strong during the winter months.

First of all water can be a crucial benefit for your plants or possibly destructive if not used properly. Many people see the Strawberry Farmers watering in their berries before and after a frost so they think they can do the same. This is a technic to preserve the berries and plants but is done with consitant watering before and after the freeze passes.

Strengthen your plants resistance to the cold by water a day or two before a forcasted freeze and making sure you are watering in the morning and not at night. That will help hydrate your plants and make them less susceptable to the cold. Do not water your plants or lawn the morning of a freeze.This can severly damage and even kill shrubs and lawns.

Fertilizing is another component to strengthening your landscape. I usually suggest fertilzing 3 times a year starting in March and making sure that October is the last month to fertilize plant materials. You do not want to promote young and tender growth in the winter months or your plants can get damaged by a possible freeze.

Thirdly, trimming should be done only in Spring and Summer. Trimming promotes new and soft growth. The last trimming of shrubs should be done in September.

On the other hand the winter time is a great time to weed and feed your lawn. Especially St. Augustine lawns.

I hope this helps you in keeping a strong landscape year round!

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